Life Insurance Is Never About Death or Money..

As much as you might think a life insurance policy is about the death of a specific person as well as the financial implications of that happening, you might need to look at the whole reason why you take the policy out in the first place. Essentially it boils down to providing something for your family when you are no longer around to do so, and yes you do have to pay a monthly contribution to an insurance company, and yes you will also be paid out a benefit amount in the event of your death but those contributions and benefits are not the reason why we have the policy in the first place. We have those so that in the event of a bread winner dying, the whole family can carry on with their lives making sure that they don't lose anything or compromise on their way of living.
There are several places that you can approach to get the right advice for this type of thing, and even if you haven't got a clue about it. is a good site for Australians to look at if they are interested in learning more about the different types of insurance available and you can even arrange for quotes to be sent through to you. You might want to give it a brief comparison as well so you can see what benefits you are entitled to and how much you are supposed to pay each month as your contribution towards it. The monthly premium you pay is determined according to your risk profile and your risk profile is determined by all of those questions they ask you during the quoting stage. They usually run through a fairly long list of questions that relate to your background, including your family history of illness and any current or past illnesses that you might have had that were of particular significance. In most cases they will ask you for a medical examination, where you need to go for a full body check up with a doctor or nurse. They usually take bloods and send them off to the labs for screening. Once all of those factors have been including and incorporated into the policy they are able to give you an accurate premium based on all the info they accumulate.
You can then decide if the premium is affordable or not and you can compare which of the policies will give you the best benefits for the intended price. Once you are happy with that, you just need to tell them when to start the policy.

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Disability Should Not Cripple Your Life

Disability is one of those things that you can never foresee happening and even when it does happen, you still need to be able to provision for it so that you can adjust to a new lifestyle without having too much impact on your everyday life. It's easy to say that now, but in all honesty it is never an easy thing to say that any specific amount of money will suffice to compensate for such a loss. Being disabled in one way or another is never an easy way to live, but with a little bit of financial assistance you can make a few changes to your life that will definitely makes things a bit easier. Disability cover will insure you for the cost of wheel chairs if you require one and it will even help to pay for modifications to your home, so that you can still live a normal life.
The thought of becoming disabled might actually put you off the whole concept altogether, but you need to realise that places like are there to help people get the information they need to purchase the right products with the right amount of cover. If you are uncertain about how much cover to take, then you need to talk to a broker or financial consultant that can help you make an informed decision about your required cover. You must be able to afford the cover that you are taking and you also need to be able to cover all your outstanding debts and financial obligations with the benefit amount that you choose. You might be wondering why you have to worry about the benefit amount, thinking that any amount will do, but you need to realise that the higher the benefit amount, the more expensive your premium gets, so you have to be careful with your amounts if affordability is a problem for you. Disability cover itself, will cover you for spinal injuries, loss of limbs and even mental illness in some cases and making sure that you have the right cover for any activities that put you at risk of becoming disabled in some way is essential. Disability cover will payout in a lump sum benefit or you may be able to opt for a monthly repayment in case you need an income and you are unable to work.
As long as you choose the correct cover that is adequate and affordable you will never have to worry about being disabled again and you can carry on with your life unhindered.

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est Home Insurance Company in California

Everyone the people who leaves in california have the dream to own the New House in California City.They Ready to do anything, in terms of decorating a house or related to its security,the best way to secure our house is to have home insurance.Before Getting into this analyse your budget that you can invest and choose the Best Insurance Company For Your Home.
Many People of California, including San Francisco, Los Angels, Oakland are Paying High rent For their Home Insurance and they Seeking For Low Rent Insurance.To get Cheap Insurance For Your Home, First thing you need is Visit Number of Sites related to Home Insurance in california with an Agent Who can provide you number of quotes based on the level of Budget You need.Apart from these you can also meet with agents of companies.
Most Important Factor is to compare a few different rates of california insurance companies.As rent can vary depending upon the company Procedure. Therefore choose list of Which suits your budget and get into the insurance company,and be conscious about your Premiums you going to Pay for Your Home.The first question you should ask to insurance company is about their rates would change if you decide to increase or decrease your deductible.Increasing the Deductible is a good way to get lower rates and keep insurance premiums down.
In some Cases Increasing the deductible is not better solution to help you in choosing cheap home insurance policy and you may need to alter your strategy to decrease the rates.The Best Solution is use the same insurance company for more than one policy. Because all insurance company offer discounts for the ability to cover more than one of your assests.When you Show trust and loyalty in only one company, try to buy all insurance in one company that you need.At last be cautious of hiiden rates, and make sure you're using a reputable, reliable and affordable Insurance company.
In today's world population is growing on the need of the residential apartment,so there is demand in residential apartment at the same time the people feel the need of Apartment Building Insurance. Nowadays collapse building occurs at any cost, so people need to be safety with building insurance.It make you more comfortable after getting the residential apartment. actually there are different factors which are considered at the time of purchasing insurance for residential apartment.
This type of insurance contains the coverage of body injury and medical insurance also. in these you can claim the initial medical expense for the injured party. Apartment Building Insurance covers the expense regarding repairs and the maintenance, the building owner is responsible for any structural problem,medical problem and electrical problem. if there is necessity of the care regarding the plumbing,heating,air conditioning, electrical appliances which are in the residential building apartment the insurance company giving coverage for these. its also give coverage in the area of local buildings and health centre.For People Who leave in San Diego administer for Anthem Blue Cross San Diego,Almost your acclaim ratings plays basic role to get loans, if your acclaim history reflects that your able to pay the interests at the time it would be accessible to get home loans as anon as possible. If you chase acknowledged rules you can calmly can get the accommodation equity. In such case its bigger to get advice from professionals in these field.

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Optimize your post title to H1 tags better SEO Blogger Hack

This is an important SEO Blogger trick to increase SEO. Heading tags have a great importance in Search engine results, Heading tags helps Search engines to recognize what is important in your blog.Heading are form H1 to H6 .H1 tags have higher priority.So we are going to hack blogger template by changing H3 tags to H1 tags. By default blogger post title is in H3 tag,here is a trick to change it to H1 tag for more SEO.

  • Go to Blogger Account
  • Select Template -> Edit HTML [click Proceed
  • Find the code like below [Find easily using Crtl+F]
  • Or simply find <H3

<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
      <b:if cond=''>
        <a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a>
        <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
          <b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:post.url'>
            <a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>
  • and Change it with <H1 [Change all H3 to H1]
  • Change all H3 tags with H1 tag
  • Done ..Wait for few weeks you can find the change in Google SERP.
  • Your Blog pages will show in Google Search Page.
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Table of content

How to Make Blog Fast and Faster

Make Blog Faster
Hi, friends! Advance, I've posted about a trick to solve How to Make Blog Fast. That's Boost Blog Speed with CSS Compressor. But, now I will discuss some problems to make blog faster. Who don't want their blog become light, surely all of bloggers want it because our visitors can browse our blog easier.

Based on my experience, there are some tricks to make blog fast :

  • Picture
  • Did you know, pictures with large size can make our blog become slower. So, it's better for you to decrease the use large-size picture. Both in template and also posts. You can use Photoshop Save for Web & Device trick.
  • Widget
  • Over usage widget was one of problems which makes blog become slower. Especially if the widget contains heavy scripts. It's good for you to delete some widgets which unuseful such as clock, music player, pet, games, and so on. Use useful widget such as related posts, most popular articles, or maybe Google Friend Connect.
  • CSS and Javascript
  • As we knew, CSS and javascipt can make our blog become good looking. But the side effect is it can make our blog become slowly. So you should decrease the usage or compress it for your blog. To compress Javascript, you can use Javascript Compressor.
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Car and Trailer Insurance Covers Work for Both Vehicles

The need to handle a plant trailer is important because you might have to haul thousands of pounds of materials in a trailer at any given point. Your trailer has to work well by making sure that its items are handled carefully without risking problems. However, a trailer could end up being just as susceptible to damages as a normal car might. Therefore, you need to get car and trailer insurance to cover what could potentially happen to a trailer that goes with your car.
A plant trailer insurance policy is used to cover the trailer that goes behind your vehicle. This can include something that is used to transport massive amounts of items or even people who are traveling in some cases. The transport expenses that come with getting an insurance plan going have to be used carefully to make sure that all of things are used as well as possible.
A car and trailer insurance plan can cover liability issues like with any other type of traditional car insurance policy. Of course, the liability issues you'd have to deal with can vary according to what you are using. You have to see this in order to get the best possible protection out of your vehicle. It needs to work for anything that you might have to deal with when getting your insurance plans working as well as possible.
Also, a plant trailer insurance policy may cover liability issues relating to anything that might be destroyed inside the trailer. In many cases a difficult ride or maintenance process could cause items being stored inside a trailer to become damaged. This could prevent a property from being able to get the secure protection that it deserves to get.
Your car and trailer insurance policy can cover damages to items up to a certain amount. This amount is often based on what you can afford to handle with your cover. The amount of money that can be handled is going to vary in most cases and has to be used carefully to keep it running well.
You can get a quote ready provided that you have the right terms set up. You need to see that a quote can cover the trailer you have as well as the kind of material that is going to be towed. In some cases you are more likely to get coverage if you have something that can be used well for whatever it is you might have.
You should see how car and trailer insurance is made for your business needs. This form of insurance should help you out with keeping damages from being worse than they have to be when it comes to anything that is harmed by your trailer or anything that is harmed inside of your trailer.

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Fix Favicon Visibility in Internet Explorer For Blogger.

Favicon is really a 16 X 16 small graphic icon that appears within your browser address bar beside a web site domain name. Also, it is known as a shortcut icon, website icon, bookmark icon or maybe a URL icon. Its gives branded look for your website and makes it stick out. By default in all blogger blogs you see a small orange icon blogger favicon that shows next to all subdomains with BlogSpot as the extension.
Even those who have purchased domains see that orange icon as the default favicon. Most of your might have observed that your custom favicon displays in both Firefox, chrome and other major browsers but you can not see favicon appearing in Internet explorer instead you see the same orange icon.

Blogger also introduced a Favicon widget using which you can replace the default favicon with a logo image of your choice but unfortunately most of you are still confused on why you can not make the icon working in IE browser.
In today's tutorial we will know what causes all the trouble and will successfully upload a favicon of our choice as your blog's brand logo. In blogger you would insert the following HTML code just below the opening tag to make the icon appear:
<link rel=icon type=image/gif href="LOGO Link in gif format">
or this:
<LINK rel="shortcut icon" type=image/x-icon href="LOGO link in .ico Format">
By inserting the logo links you can easily make the icon appear on the address bar. But this method wont make the icon appear in IE because Internet Explorer always fetches the favicon from the root domain. IE wont accept the icon if it is stored on your picasa album or in any other image hosting service or even if it is stored in any of your sub domains. It will also not accept the icon if its not stored in .ico format or if its size is greater than 16 X 16 pixels.
These are the three reasons that explain why your favicon does not show in Microsoft's browser and why IE conflicts in this case. Lets now fix this issue of no visibility and make things work just fine!

We will use the same widget that blogger provides but with correct requirements. Luckily the widget provided by blogger will automatically convert your logo into a .ico format even of its original format is gif or jpeg. So you don't need to worry in this case. Follow these steps
Create a 16 X 16 pixels (or a square size) logo icon for your blog either using Photoshop or any of the 30 Web tools we introduced. Note you must rename your icon anything other than favicon. In our case we named it fav. In order to force replace the default icon with yours you must save it with a different name else it wont display in any of the major browsers.
Now go to Blogger > Layout > Page elementsClick the edit link next to Favicon at the top-left corner
Confidently upload your logo using the browse button and hit Save Clear your browser cache and visit your blog in both Firefox, Chrome and finally IE8+ to see a beautiful website icon just next to your domain inside the address bar!
The steps are self explanatory and easily implementable. If incase you got yourself into a trouble just post your query and we would love to sort out your problem. I just hope with this IE fix, your free blogger blogs will get a whole new dressed up look. Happy blogging. Peace and blessings pals. :)
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How to Add Internal Links Within Blogger Posts

  • Each link identifier needs to be enclosed in inverted commas. Make sure to match up the correct identifier with the one created in step 6

  • Using this anchoring structure our first anchor becomes:

    <a name="withinposts">How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within the Same Blogger Post</a>

    Substitute your own link identifier and headings
  • Now move on to the next point you want to link to and create the second anchor. In this example we use the same structure but change the identifier

    <a name="withinblogger">How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within Different Blogger Posts</a>

    Again substitute your own link identifier and headings to suit your article

  • Save and Publish as normal and you will see your links are live and will jump the reader to different parts of the post

  • Now you know how to create links to sections within Blogger posts let's look at how to create internal links within different Blogger posts.

    Most of you will be able to create a link to another post in Blogger using the posts editor. You just highlight the text you want and click on the figure eight icon and Blogger creates the link for you. Which is great most of the time.

    However what if we want to direct the visitor to a particular section of a different post? When you create an internal link it will take the viewer to the top of the page but what if you want them to see something near the end of the article? Well using an internal link similar to what we did to create internal links within the post we can.

    Say I want to take my reader to a particular post in this case The 10 Great SEO tips for your blog or site. How would I go about it?

    1. I create the link as usual by copying the article URL address from the browser address bar and using the post editor to add the link. The Blogger post editor uses this structure:

      <a href="URLaddress">linkname</a>

      So the Blogger editor would create the following link:

      <a href="">Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks</a>

      The link would appear like this in a browser:

      Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks

    2. Now I want to direct my visitors to the section about creating breadcrumb navigation so I add a section name using the following structure:

      <a href="URLaddress#identifier">linkname</a>

      Thus my link would look like this in the Edit HTML section of my post editor

      <a href="">Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks</a>

      Note the link seen in a browser remains the same

    3. If you want your link to open in a new browser window add the following to your link:

      <a href="" target="_blank">Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks</a>

    4. Now I need to go to the post I am linking to and add the anchor. So in the post SEO Tips and Tricks I would use the following structure to link to the section about how to add breadcrumbs:

      <a name="identifier">a heading</a>

      So the section about breadcrumbs in the Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks article is now enclosed by the following:

      <a name="breadcrumb">Add Breadcrumb Navigation to your Blogger Blog</a>

    5. Save your changes and publish your article as normal

    In this Blogger tutorial you have learned how to add internal links to a particular section of a post from both within the same Blogger post and within a different post. By adding internal links you will help your visitors to find their away your blog more easily and access information quickly. You will also be adding to your blog's SEO by linking related posts.
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    Smart Business Insurance Tips

    Building a business is a personal endeavor. No one can really realize how much blood, sweat and tears go into building your brand and taking it to the new heights of success. When you start your own business it will take a lot of commitment and time away from your loved ones to have it running successfully and give you a good profit somewhere down the line. If your efforts bear fruit then you can hope to expand your work and get more people on board. Usually it is at this stage that businesses are put to the test of whether they will make it in the long run or not. At such a critical stage, it is a good idea to get a business insurance policy to safeguard your assets.
    When considering a business insurance policy, you should sit down and think of what you actually need. What kind of coverage do you want, and what will you be covering? You wouldn't want to opt for an insurance policy with such a wide coverage that you might never utilize it but still pay for it, nor do you want to opt for a policy which doesn't even give you the coverage you need. So sit down with a financial advisor or your business lawyer and discuss what you actually require and what you will need to safe guard the interests of yourself and your business.
    When you decide to take more employees on board then business insurance will ensure that you can safeguard a retirement package. Some state laws also require fully operational businesses to have a minimum amount of insurance so do look into that so you are not violating any kind of rules. Information is the key in this aspect and one should always remain well informed.
    There are many companies that offer business insurance for small businesses these days. The last thing that you would want is to buy a policy intended for big co-operations; this would not only charge you a lot for coverage that you would not even require but also not provide you with the one on one service that a small firm requires. So do your home work and do not jump at the first opportunity you get.
    Go online and visit various websites and gather all the information you can get. Get all the quotations that are available to you so you can make a comparison as to which company is giving you the best service at the most reasonable rates. You can even call in customer representatives and discuss your queries with them. Once you are absolutely satisfied with what you see only then go for it. Jumping the gun and going for the first thing that comes your way often results in you paying more in the long run than required. So look into your options very carefully before considering anything. However, don't forget to make a complete verification if the company you are selecting is genuine or not.

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    Why Free Email Marketing is a Great Option for Small Businesses?

    Free email marketing tips and tricks
    To say that business conditions these days are less than ideal across the board would be a great understatement. Because of these conditions, companies must tread carefully when it comes to funding the marketing initiatives necessary for their very survival. Email marketing is already affordable, but it just doesn’t get any more economical than free. In this article, we will take a look at why free email marketing is such a good option for the small business operating in an ailing economy.
    Email is Still Cool
    Consumers these days use a broad array of devices and mediums to communicate. Social media, instant message, and SMS text are just a few of many that instantly come to mind. While several channels have come along over the last couple of years, email remains as common and useful as ever. Consumers around the world have an email account they use on a regular basis, and if you run a small business, you can rest assured that the members of your target audience are among the bunch. What does all this mean? That free email marketing can give you a reliable way to get in touch with the people you need to reach.
    Its Measurable
    Today, it takes a number of different key ingredients to make up a successful business strategy. One of the most important is a system that keeps track of your performance. Knowing how your campaigns are truly fairing can be difficult with traditional media, but it is a breeze thanks to the measurability of email. With the inclusion of a simple HTML image tag, email allows you to track just about every vital aspect of your campaigns. This includes the number and percentage of opens, clicks, forwards, and much more. Although robust tracking capabilities may appear to be a luxury limited to paying customers, it is very possible to find it in free email marketing.
    make Money with Free email marketing tips and tricks
    Free = Huge Cost Savings
    It is no wonder that the rugged economy has hit small businesses so hard when considering that they have fewer resources than their larger counterparts. Unfortunately, this usually means they are harder with smaller budgets as well. When money is tight, even methods that are generally affordable can be prohibitive. This is what makes a solution like free email marketing so ideal in these tough times. The cost savings it delivers can give a small business the opportunity to keep the budget intact, and boost their profit margin in the process. Spending less is always going to produce a better looking return in the long run.
    Email Marketing Summary
    Free Email Marketing is a great fit for organizations of all sizes. In today’s sluggish economic climate, you could say a free service is perfectly suited for small businesses. It literally lays off the budget while providing all the powerful tools that many companies around the world gladly pay for. We can’t really think of any reason for a small business not to at least consider free email marketing.

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    The Best Way To Register For A Different Car Insurance Coverage

    You have to buy car insurance if you have a vehicle under your name. This is a law and there is no way you can get away without being punished. You are already spending money on this aspect of your car maintenance. Therefore it will be great if you can find out how best to make full use of this tool instead of complaining about it. If you ever get into an accident, it will be good to be confident about what you can claim.
    As you receive the car insurance renewal, you might be pondering about what your insurer will charge you this year. You must not allow this thoughts to steer you away from priorities, though. Otherwise you will not be able to move your attention away from the price to what you bought the coverage for in the first place. In fact, you really do not have to pay a lot more for something that has got a good quality. Though you will not have the same kind of pricing as dirt-cheap insurers, the price will be fair. You will be able to benefit from it greatly if you ever need their help. This is the best contingency you can have for yourself.
    If you drive an uncommon car, you will often find very high premiums for your vehicle. The reason behind this is the insurance company does not know how to price your coverage. They will surely get into trouble and suffer a loss if they charge too little for your premiums. And if they over-charge you, you may get angry at them and this can also affect the relationship. No matter what decision it may be, the insurer is stucked. Many times, they will give up finding the risk data because there isn't any. Then they will charge you a little over the average.
    You have to be sure that the insurance company that underwrites the product you buy is reliable. This pertains a lot to making claims. In case you need to make a claim, the insurance company who is supposed to protect your interest will not turn around and find excuses to reject it. If you go for the cheapest quote, this is the type of insurer you will likely be dealing with. And if the insurer is a direct insurance company, you are effectively dead. Without a third party help you might as well give up haggling with them. Therefore if the insurance company plays around with time and delays your case, you are dead.
    Your car insurance policy may be processed wrongly purely because of human error on the insurer's part. Because of this, they will change the policy information be issuing a new set of documents for you. Whatever it may be, the insurer has to know about this. Then and only then will they be able to do the correction. You will be surprised to know they welcome this and will take action immediately. For direct insurers, you will never get a chance to feedback nor explain. They are too busy. Besides, it is you who provided them with the details. So you have to make up in dollars and cents for the wrong information you gave.
    Customers who care about what their car insurance policy can do for them will seek the help of a car insurance specialist. With an expert, you will be able to get the most out of his experience so you can have the best protection ever. What a brilliant idea this is.
    If you want to find out more about vehicle insurance via the internet, make sure you look up search phrases such as car insurance and also car insurance so you're able to truly appreciate a little more about this particular matter.

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    Learning to Handle Your Finances Correctly

    We don't always get to learn the intricacies of the financial world and a lot of the time we all have to try and figure it out at some point. Whether you learn by trial and error or you have a mentor that is able to show you how to work with money; be it your parents, your uncle or even your next door neighbour, you still need to grasp and understand the way finances work and learning it the hard way is never fun and it takes forever to recoup if you don't get it right the first time round. In most cases we can account for most financial obligations that we have on a monthly basis, but there are one or two that we can never see coming and even though they are inevitable or unpreventable you still have the ability to provision for it as best you can and perhaps even improve on it.
    There are times when you will no longer be able to work and earn an income, and that is when you will need one of these policies to help you get through it. is an insurance site that offers the Australian people a way to provision for all of these shortfalls. Life cover in case you pass away and you need to settle a home loan for your family, or income protection in case you get retrenched at work and you can't get a job in time, you can insure yourself for that too. That way you no longer have to worry about it and you can carry on with your life without feeling the stress you get every time you worry about it happening. The affordability factor is the one thing that we don't think about when we take these policies out. We often think that any amount will do and ask for that instead of trying to calculate the amount accurately, and it is small mistakes like that, that end up in defaults and short payments for your policies and you end up losing the cover you had in the first place and you waste all that money you have already paid to the insurer. It also means that you have to start the whole process over again.
    You also need to realise that the later it gets in life, the more expensive these policies become, and so you need to be in a position to afford it early. Always make sure you provision for you financial well being and you will never go wrong with money.

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    How To Publish Your Posts To Facebook Page Automatically

    Facebook is the best social networking site which is widely used in the world.
    Every blogger give first priority to sharing his/her site on Facebook. now I am going to teach you the easiest and fastest way to publish your blogger posts automatically on your website's Facebook fan page.
    Now a days no one has much time to manually publish all blog posts on Facebook page too. But I'm glad you're here at the right place to learn that trick.

    Publish Blogger Posts On Facebook

    1. Log in to your Facebook account.
    2. Now go to RSS For Pages App and click Install.
    3. Now choose the page on your want to publish your blog posts.
    4. Now click Add RSS For Pages and allow (Install) the app on your Facebook.
    5. Write your website's title in Company Name field and write your Contact Number and check the box of Terms and Services, then press Save Changes.
    6. Now write your Blog's feed address and choose the settings according to your need and press Save Changes.

    Note: It may take time for your post to publish automatically on facebook after publishing it on your blog.

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    How to start Google Adsense Affiliate Program - Review

    Google Affiliate Ads program - review

    How Google Affiliate Ads Works

    The Google Affiliate Ads program is like AdSense but you are able to chose your affiliate ads based on your blog or post content and earn commission on sale.

    How to get started with Google Affiliate Ads

    In order to begin your Google Affiliate program, navigate to the "Earnings" tab on Blogger, and click on “Get Started”. In case you have a current Google AdSense account and the content on your blog or website matches available advertisement categories, you're already set up.

    Choose affiliates advertisement from your “Advertiser Products” widget that appears within the Post Settings screen in the post editor. In case you don’t currently have an Google AdSense account, register now.

    Join Google Affiliate Ads program to earn more money
    • Whenever you promote your thoughts, ideas as well as images on Blogger or Hubpages, you might be sharing your own interests with the world.
    • Occasionally, you are interested in brand names or even products and services. Starting today, you may make cash simply by promoting related products within your articles or posts, gaining earnings for every new buyer you bring in to your preferred brands.
    • This can be a new method to profit from your blog or site, providing you with control over the advertisers as well as products you market, and better linking your viewers with the things you really like.

    Just Sing Up Today for Google Affiliate Ads and Start Making Money with your Blog!

    "Note: At this time, only US blogs that are linked to a valid AdSense account and match available ad categories will be eligible for this program. Signing up for an AdSense account does not guarantee that you'll be selected to participate in Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger."

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    Life Insurance 101 and Everything in Between

    Life insurance is not something we like to deal with and we often only think about it when we have something to protect in case we pass on and something needs to be left behind to foresee a better future for your loved ones. It may sound a little cliché and bland but that it is something you invariably have to consider at some point in your life. Even you prefer to be alone, you can still provision for any outstanding debt you might have against your name so that your next of kin won't have to worry about any settling the estate. In addition to settling the estate, you still have to include a small percentage as an administration fee for handling the closure of the estate. That even includes giving it away to charity.
    When you first take out life cover you have answer a number questions in order to get comparative quotes. You may even get to do it online and save yourself a bit of time. Places like would be the perfect example. You can get all the information you need to make an informed decision about the insurance and then you can proceed with getting cover. Once you have completed your questionnaire you can compare all the quotes you get, to see how much it will cost you on a monthly basis. You need to realise that it is one thing to ask for a specific amount of cover, but it is something completely different when you have to pay the premiums for it. Affordability is of key importance because if you run into financial troubles at any stage and you end up defaulting on your premium, you will end up losing the cover you have. If you are unable to re-instate the policy in time, then all that money you have paid to the insurer goes to waste. It is important that know that the end result of such a policy is a means to provide for your family when you pass away. When you first get married, you often splash out and buy new things and move into new places.
    If you decide to buy a house together and something happens halfway through that, one of you could end up having to settle the full loan amount on your own, let alone continue with the rest of the payments you have to make to keep your household running. When a benefit is paid out for a life policy that money can be used help them carry on with life.

    This post confirms my ownership of the site and that this site adheres to Google AdSense program policies and Terms and Conditions:

    1000+ Hacking Tutorials collection

    Facebook Status update trick

    This is an amazing facebook trick which you would love to use. So the trick is to update your status with name of any app like Nasa, Iphone 5, HTC etc. Still confused just follow below instruction and clear your mind.

           1. First Login to your Facebook account.
           2. Copy below link into address bar as shown in the below picture.

           3. In place on XXXX put api key given in below list and in place of YYYY put profile id of
               person where you want to publish your message.
           4. Now you will be redirected to new screen as above enter your message and done.

          API KEY LIST  
    • Skynet (249284985083592)
    • iPhone (6628568379)
    • Blackberry (2254487659)
    • Palm (7081486362)
    • Sidekick (21810043296)
    • Sony Ericsson (38125372145)
    • Xbox LIVE (5747726667)
    • iPad (112930718741625)
    • Foursquare (86734274142)
    • Telegram (140881489259157)
    • Carrier Pigeon (130263630347328)
    • Morse Code (134929696530963)
    • Message in a Bottle (123903037653697)
    • Commodore 64 (138114659547999)
    • Your moms computer (132386310127809)
    • TRS-80 (134998549862981)
    • K.I.T.T. (129904140378622)
    • Mind Computer Interface (121111184600360)
    • eyePhone (110455835670222)
    • toaster (203192803063920)
    • microwave (0a5266c8844a1b09211e7eb38242ac2f)
    • Super Nintendo Entertainment System (235703126457431)
    • Gameboy Color (180700501993189)
    • GoD (256591344357588)
    • Glade Air Freshner (4aeb4db2e8df1cdb7f952b2269afb560)
    • Strawberry (a4c9fb1708a848c2241674531176209b)
    • The moon (221826277855257)
    • Dr. Pepper (eea90d40e1d12565695dbbbdbd5e965b)
    • Nintendo wii (243870508973644)
    • Alcohol (250335888312118)
    • Cheese (218791271497130)
    • iPod Nano (142039005875499)
    • Nintendo 64 (236264753062118)
    • Microsoft Excel (242740155751069)
    • Linux Ubuntu (220593361311050)
    • iPhone 5g (211333348912523)
    • My Bedroom (174811032586879)
    • Your Mums Bedroom (5f64bbc9ac2f12b983200925da461322)
    • Lamp (230755826955133)
    • Your moms anus (b625297b655f0b46c86b68f754b82121)
    • Refrigerator (250828364944350)
    • A potato (127926427295267)
    • Nasa Satellite (31d608d30292175bf7703149699ccb39)
    • Vibrator (eb4c6d1a60e19a7795da501e1f468035)
    • Sperm Whale (170318539700306)
    • Pogo Stick (185103391549701)
    • Banana Phone (1477a4cd29ec724a3de19be5d26e0389)
    • Google+ (4d8243dbb7064f88351fe6c809582320)
    • The Future (108372819220732)
    • Smoke Signal (134138923334682)
    • tin cans connected by string (242191299125647)
    • Pokedex (de3da265cf6976745bb1d60a8c198151)
    • Telepathy (ea01a57edb26cf1de143f09d45cfa913)
    • Typewriter (d3d554bf60297cb2c384e3d7cf5a066d)
    • Harry Potter (b8ebeb983f45eaa0bd5f4f66cad97654)
    • TARDIS (200439256674396)
    • Pip Boy (142806259133078)
    • Mind Control (1dc633368924b3b0b4d08e3f83230760)
    • Jedi Mind Control (240597869302110)
    • Telekinesis (224139600960217)
    • Post-It Note (115227201900831)
    • GLaDOS (246126362083515)
    • Ansible (185474028180003)
    • W.O.P.R (228373497202865)
    • Airwolf (123944137696757)
    • HMCS Belafonte (222345601140304)
    • HAPPY BIRTHDAY (60280877509)                                           
           Any problem feel free to ask question and if you like my post just say thanx it will take less then 5 sec. Enter your email in below box and get free tutorials daily.

    World trade center attack trick on notepad

    As some of you might be knowing that the flight number of the plane that had hit World Trade Center on that dreadful day (9/11) was Q33NY. Now call this trick a coincidence or anything else but whatever it is, it does startle us. you will be definately amazed by the this trick.

    • First open Notepad.
    • Type “Q33N” (without quotes) in capital letters.
    • Increase the font size to 72.
    • Change the Font to Wingdings.

    Rajnikanth Website doesnt require internet !

     As you all know about rajnikanth famous south superstar and his jokes and pj which are famous over interent but today i came across interesting site allaboutrajni which you can access only when  your internet connection is off else it show error  message. It contain rajnikanth jokes,stories,facts etc.

         1. Visit
         2. To explore this site you need to remove your internet wire or turn off your laptop wifi swithch.
         3. If you dont turn off then you will see below msg.

    Shutdown Computer with Your Cell Phone

    Think about it …Shutting down the PC from your cell phone. Its cool naa.

    There isn’t any rocket science involved in it .Follow the simple tricks below and voila….

    The following trick was invented by some great students of Computer Science IIT Kanpur.TheFollowing trick makes it very easy for anyone to shutdown their pc’s remotely.

    The requirements are simple….One cell phone with GPRS enabled, Microsoft Outlook on the pc to be put to shutdown.

    Using this method the user can shutdown, restart, hibernate the computer just by sending an email from their cell phone.

    All you need to have is Microsoft outlook which comes with Microsoft word. The Microsoft outlook should be installed on the pc you wish to shutdown.

    First you need to create a batch file to perform shutdown etc .you can write them down yourself.

    * Open your notepad and type the following

    c:\windows\system32\shutdown -s -f -t 00

    And save it as shutdown.bat (Executable file)

    * Open up Microsoft outlook .make sure that it is already configured for you email id.
    * Now we will need to set Microsoft outlook in such a way that outlook checks you email every one minuite.This can be set by going to tools-à options
    * Then click the mail setup tab and later send/receive button
    * Make sure that you schedule an automatic send/receive...every box checked and set the number of minutes to 1.Now you may close all these dialog boxes
    * Now go to tools---rules and alert. Next click on options button on the upper right hand corner and press the import rules button

    * Now click on the shutdown.bat which you recently created
    * Now the final step
    * When you send the message from your phone to your email address with a subject shutdown or smsshutdown%% ......and VIOLA you computer is shutdown….

    Most of you want to call someone while hiding your own phone no identity

    so i am publishing the trick for hiding your ph no.

    If you want to hide/show your phone number when calling, put one of these codes below in front of the number that you are going to call.
    (*#30# / *#31# or *31# / #31# ) Works on most of the networks.

    Anonymous Surfing + Serial


    Anonymous Surfing + Serial

    Hey friends...your anonymity is now secured and you can now surf web anonymously by using Anonymous Surfing software.


    Phishing threats lure unsuspecting email recipients into clicking a link in an email that appears to be from their bank. The email asks them to update their account information. However, these clever scams are simply trying to steal your personal information, credit card information, and more.
    Anonymous Surfing has a real-time anti-phishing feed that integrates into your Web browser protecting you against phishing scams. Updated every fifteen minutes, this added protection automatically displays a warning to notify you that you are being led to a known phishing site.


    Pharming attacks are similar to phishing in nature, but they don't rely on you clicking on a fraudulent email. Pharming attacks are even more dangerous because they are able to redirect you to a fraudulent Web site even if you type the URL into your Internet browser.
    Anonymous Surfing protects against pharming threats by routing all of your Internet traffic through our hardened, secure servers. In addition, when you have Anonymous Surfing activated, your Host file is never accessed so even if it's corrupted, you will still arrive at your intended destination safely.

    Evil Twins:

    Evil twins trick wireless users into connecting a laptop or PDA to a tainted hotspot by posing as a legitimate wi-fi provider. Once you connect to their wireless network, the evil twins can watch your online activities and steal your confidential information such as account numbers and passwords.
    Anonymous Surfing protects against evil twins by routing all of your Internet traffic through our secure servers, thus bypassing the fraudulent hotspot.

    Download Anonymous Surfing here:



    In this Post I will tell you how to make fun with your Facebook friends. Well this prank is very old and common. Once upon a time I was a victim of this prank. So now I have decided to share it with you.
    Prank 1:
    The prank is very simple. Just post a status using this link , -
    This link looks like a link of original Facebook profile. But actually this link is not valid. The code is given randomly and whenever some one clicks the link,will be redirected to their own profile.
    Now you can make a prank by posting status like " Everybody Please report against this stupid profile -"
    Obviously your friends are going to check who's profile is that. They will be very shock to see their own profile. Most Probably they will get upset and may ask you why you are doing this.? why? :P
    Prank 2:
    The second pranks is all about insulting. So don't make this prank with someone who is very sensitive to jokes. is a site where you can make links to insult people. Just type the name of the person(.) then the URL address of the site. For example , you want to make fun of your friend named "kallis". Then the URL will be
    step1: This prank is also very simple like the previous one. At first choose a friend on whom you are going to apply this prank.
    Step2: Make the URL and post it to your friends Facebook wall. Or you can just share it in your wall.
    Important: Use this pranks to have fun with your friends. Do not insult them harshly. Have fun and bring peace :)

    Make fun in internet with funny Google Gravity tricks

    Hey, We have already Published couple of Google tricks. Google is really making some cool awesome tricks which makes Google more popular. I recommend you to read this Blog first - "Let it Snow or Do a Barrel roll like search trick "

    Now We are going to introduce another awesome trick. The trick is not developed by Google. It is actually a project of
    The trick is not new anymore so most of you might know about it. But this could be interesting to those who has not tried it yet.

    Google Gravity Trick Process: 

    1. Go to

    2. Type "Google Gravity"

    3. Scroll your mouse pointer to the right side of the options "Google gravity" You will find the "I am feeling lucky" button and click "I am feeling lucky" . To get more clear Idea check the picture below:

    Or You can directly Go to this link - Click here to enjoy the Gravity show. This is really cool? Isn't it? 
    You will see all the Google search engine parts falling down and can move freely without any gravity. The most interesting thing is that , you can still use that broken search engine to search whatever you want. The search result will also fall down like without any gravity. When you click the search result you will be redirected to the site. 

     I hope you have enjoyed reading this Blog. Thanks for visiting and keep visiting for more tips and tricks :)

    Hacking Google maps and google Earth

    This one-of-a-kind resource contains 500 pages of jaw-dropping hacks, mods, and customizations. These include creating mashups with data from other sources such as Flickr, building a space station tracker, hacking Maps with Firefox PiggyBank, and building a complete community site with Maps and Earth. Now you can map out locations, get driving directions, zoom into any point on the globe, display real time traffic, and much more.

    NOTE : Password For the links is xSeLLizE


    How to read deleted SMS messages on any nokia s60/70/80 phone!!
    hello people..

    This would help all ppl who accidently deleted an important sms and lost valuable information.

    Required utility:
    1) Any system explorer or file explorer program (eg. Fexplorer)

    Step 1) Open Fexplorer

    Step 2) Select drive C: or D: depending on the memory in which the Sms messages have been saved.

    Step 3) For example u selected c: , Then open "system" folder.

    step 4) Then in "system" folder open "mail" folder.

    step 5) Then in this folder u will see different folders (eg 0010001_s) and certain files (eg 00100000). These files are the actual messages. Browse through every folder and open all files till u get the sms u are looking for.

    Step 6) For opening the files don't choose options>file>open as it will show format not supported

    AdWords Keyword Tool high CPC keywords

    AdWords Keyword Tool high CPC Categories 2

    High CPC Keywords with Adwords keyword tool

    Define your niche topics for best SEO and high CPC keywords. From the main screen Keyword Tool can enter multiple words or phrases you want to search.

    Since this article is related to Adsense, CPC, and the keyword search will be new topics.

    Enter your words in the box in the center of the screen, separate statements on different lines, enter the captcha and click on "Get keyword ideas" button.

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    You can now see what keywords have the highest average CPC in your niche.

    This post confirms my ownership of the site and that this site adheres to Google AdSense program policies and Terms and Conditions:


    If you take a look at "Consolidation Loans" it has a pretty difficult 3.8 Million competitors for the term in quotes, ad cost is around $24 and it gets 18,100 visitors per month.

    You will see in the right column "Strength of Competition" and a Red X icon with a score of 47,500. To sum it up, the Red X means difficult to rank for, and the 47,500 is a number calculated from various factors like allinurl, allinanchor, allintitle and higher means harder.

    NOW.. Look at the "Private Loan Consolidation" term, it has an Ad Cost of $24.36 (25c higher) it only has 150,000 other pages in the results for the term in quotes and it has a respectable 4,400 searches per month.

    The Strength of Competition gives a Green Tick and a score of just 33 for difficulty meaning pretty darn easy to rank for. There's only 693 other pages out there with the term in the URL and only 1,260 with it in the page Title which we know are factors.

    If you ranked #1 for that term, with a 5% CTR on your Adsense and 4,400 visitors a month you would be looking at 220 clicks per month. If each click payed 50c that around $100 per page per month!

    So, i've just demonatrated two high paying terms getting the same amount per click however one of those terms is very easy to rank for and the other.. Well most people couldn't rank for it if they tried.

    This took 5 minutes of research instead of months of trying to rank for the wrong terms. Proof, you can achieve results and rank for high paying keywords with ease.

    Also in the tool is the "Commercial Intent" which is often called Online Commercial Intent or OCI for short, bluntly means what are the chances are of a person searching for that term making a purchase. The higher the better, for instance a search for "Todays Weather" will have a horrible OCI but a search for "Buy Shoes" will be exceptionally high.

    This is not really important for Adsense sites, but it's critical if you are selecting keywords for a business or an SEO client but i thought i'd mention it anyway because many people don't understand it's importance.

    If you want to know more about this tool, you can read my Micro Niche Finder Review


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