Why Buy American Products?

Here is the reason I believe very strongly in American made products, and think every American when making a purchase should spend just a minute to compare an American made product to imported products.
Since the 1960's, America has been in a trade deficit. We import more goods than we export. In the 1980's, the scale tipped even further, and in 2010, the trade deficit was roughly $500 Billion! That means we imported $500 Billion more worth of goods than we exported.
Here is a very simple example... You continuously sell $1.00 items to your neighbor, and he sells you $2.00 items. It will not take long, and your neighbor will have all the money and you will have none, especially because of the "throw-away" goods, which started in the 1980's. (Throwaway meaning you can use it once or twice, and it is gone. Examples include Glad Ware and Ziploc containers, versus glass bowls and canning jars).
This same concept is much more complex when looking at nations, but holds very true. It is also different, what is imported and exported, when it comes to the economy and jobs. Raw materials are better to import than finished goods, because you can add value to them, and turn a profit. This is especially true, if we export the finished product.
For example, my neighbor Tom is a farmer. He needed more crop space, so sold some oak trees to my neighbor Bob, who cut them into boards, and sold them to me. I made them into birdhouses, and sold them to my neighbor Rick. Rick also owns the local gas station, and sells gas to all of my neighbors, Tom's tractor, Bob's sawmill and my truck for transportation. If each of us were his own country, we are imported raw materials and selling a product with value added to it. (Except for Rick buying my birdhouse). If everyone spends all of their money or barters evenly, no one is excessively rich, we are all living to meet our needs with no excess and no deficit.
Now, what if Tom, Bob and I decided we would buy gas from Sally down the street, instead of Rick, because Sally has more gas than her trading circle needs, so she cut the price. The short-term gain is that Tom will spend less money raising and harvesting crops, Bob can cut lumber for less money, making more profits and I can deliver birdhouses and have more profitability. HOWEVER, Sally is out of our trading circle, she does not buy groceries and milk from Tom, she does not buy wood from Bob and she does not buy my birdhouses. If cycle runs for a long period of time, Rick will stop buying birdhouses, because he does not have money from gas sales, as soon as he does that, I will stop buying boards and quit manufacturing, Bob will also stop buying timber to turn into lumber, and Tom's price for his trees will plummet. Our little economy, destroyed.
Generations pass...I do not show anyone to build birdhouses, Bob does not show anyone how to cut wood, and Tom stops milking, since he cannot make money doing it. Now, our economy has a tougher time to rebuild, because we have lost the skill sets we once had within our trading circle.
I realize there is much more to the equation than simply, we need to trade neutrally. Increasing exports, free trade, tariffs, taxes, shipping costs and more all mix into our global economy. We need to be more self-sufficient, use more goods made in the USA, and we need to increase our exports, which become difficult, when manufacturing is moving out of the United States. According to "American Manufacturing.org", in January of 2000, there were over 17,000,000 manufacturing jobs. That number has declined to under 12,000,000 in 2011. To me, that number is staggering.
In the United States, this has been happening since the 1980's, and as a result, we have lost many manufacturing jobs. We cannot simple throw money at consumers and say, "buy more" and think it will rejuvenate the economy. The buyers need to be educated on trade, and understand that the reason why we are in debt to countries like China, is because for years, we were greedy, and imported goods to make short run profits, without understanding or caring about the long term implications of a trade deficit.
All I ask, is that you be an informed buyer. Spend an extra moment the next time you make a purchase, to see where your product was made, and compare it to a similar American Made product. It could be as easy as choosing paper over plastic at the grocery store, or better yet, finding a re-usable bag, made in the USA.

Endless Benefits of Online Classified Ads

In this hectic world, there is no leisure hours for buyers and sellers to interact with each other, which proves to be a huge lose for both of them. Buyers may not be able to get the best products at affordable rates, while sellers may not be able to enhance their productivity. However, this buyer seller issue is now resolved through online classifieds websites which offers a better platform for buyers and sellers. Besides, online classified advertisement is proving to be one of the powerful marketing tools that can expose your products throughout the world in a cost effective way. Classified ads are not just a benefit to the merchants but to the customers too. These online classified ads offer many benefits to both beneficiaries.
Some important benefits provided by classified ads are listed below:
Cost Effective:
Classified advertisements are one of the best marketing strategies that can be implemented in a cost effective way. In the earlier days, most of the online classified websites charged a fee for submission of the ads, but gone are those days now you can submit the ads for free in many popular online classifieds websites. This has stimulated the sellers to post many ads regarding their products along with special offers, gifts, additional services and more. This ultimately helps the customers to make a profitable purchase. For example, due to the fierce competition in the real estate arena, sellers reduce the price of the apartments to grab the attention of the customers and sell it as soon as possible. This helps customers to get apartments reasonably priced and save a lot of money.
Enhancing the business productivity and exposure:
A popular classified website might be visited by a large number of customers each day. If you submit your products at affordable rates then you can grab some potential customers who might even become your regular customers if they are satisfied with your products. This enhances the productivity and offers more exposure for your products throughout the world.
Time saving:
If you need to look for jobs, services, rental apartments, resorts, cars, pets or more you can find all these products and services for sale and hourly wages. This has considerably saved more time for the customers, reduced frustration and confusion. Meanwhile, online shopping is also a better platform but it might not offer all the products at low prices.
This mode of advertisement is convenient and comfortable for both venders and customers. Venders can submit their products without any difficulties in a cost effective way, while customers can find a product at affordable rates within few minutes. Besides, customers enjoy browsing the classified websites due to the flexible searching options, easy navigation, category based product listings, featured listings and more.
These are some of the important benefits offered by classified ads.
Classified ads are proving to be one of the best marketing tools that can offer comfort to both seller and buyer in a cost effective way. The author is an expert in the Canada classified ads arena and has written many articles regarding online classifieds websites in the past.

How Merchant Cash Advance Works

If someone owns a small business, they might encounter financial difficulties from time to time. The problems can increase when one needs extra money to grow their business as most times one would need a loan to do this. With a merchant cash advance, a business owner or entrepreneur is able to get the money they need to solve their short term cash flow needs. Here is a look at how this works.
While there are many banks that offer loans to people who are operating a business, there is usually lots of things that one has to go through to get the loan. The business that one has, to be one that the lenders can work with. If the banks do not believe in the business idea, then the person will not get the money they need to continue with their business.
Besides this issue, there is also the problem of qualification. There is usually a list of things that the lenders look for when they are looking for the right candidate. If the business owner does not meet these requirements, there is no way for them to get the loan needed to operate their business. But one does not have to rely on the bank to get what they need.
One can go to an alternative source for the funds that are required. There are a number of companies that offer merchant cash advance where one does not have to go through all of the processes that come with getting a loan from a regular bank. The only thing that one has to worry about is paying back the money that they were given.
With a merchant cash advance, the small business owner borrows money that is equivalent to the amount they are expected to receive in future credit card sales. When done in this manner, there is no need for background credit checks or hidden fees and costs. One pays back the money based on the amount of credit card sales they generate. If one makes more than they expected, they can use the extra money for any business needs that they have.
There are a number of benefits to using this method. One can receive the money they need in short amount of time. This is different to banks that wait a long time before they make a decision. The requirements for application are not complicated as one would find in a bank. One simply has to be a legal adult with a business that they own personally for certain amount of time. Credit card transactions also have to be processed.
There is also online access so one does not have to meet with the lender in person. One can find out all the information they need in the comfort of their own home. They can go online to fill out the application and wait to see if they qualify. If all is well, the money can be deposited directly into their account to be used immediately.
Merchant cash advance allows a small business owner to have the opportunity to grow their business. They do not have to worry about credit checks and other inquiries that might cause them to be ineligible for a loan. This is why many small businesses are turning to these alternative methods as it helps to make their lives much easier.

Google Apps Mail - An Email Service for Modern Businesses

Google Apps mail or Gmail, as it is named now, has been with us for many years and offers all the basics you would expect from any email service plus some very good extras.
In business it cannot be emphasised too strongly the huge importance placed on being able to communicate quickly and efficiently. If a business could operate by the use of language and voices alone then all we would have to do was speak into any old telephone. However if your company could survive on verbalisation alone you would be a rarity within the business community.
Business conversations generally lead to actions and a great many of those actions would need the use of a computer at some stage. I guarantee that all of those actions would mean getting something, whether it is a report, spreadsheet, figures, images or just a file or folder, to somebody else. And let's be fair we are way past the days of reading this type of information out whilst another writes it down or sending poor quality facsimiles; provided you have access to a fax machine.
The Gmail version contained within Google Apps comes with the following features as standard: -
• Instant Messaging allows you to converse in real time for quick non-verbal chats
• Live voice communication when a proper conversation needs to take place
• Live video chat when you wish to see the 'whites of their eyes' or just want to see a friendly face
• 25GB's, yes gigabytes, of storage for every user; this is 50 times more than the industry average
• 24/7 access to your account wherever you are on whatever computer you are using
• Apps available for all leading Smartphone's, including iPhone, Blackberry and Android platform apps,
• Google powered search capability to locate elusive emails in your inbox in an instant
• Spam filtering by Gmail
• Postini to give you full control over your implementation of your spam filters
• 99.99% uptime
An important factor of having a Cloud Computing Service that provides all of these exceptional tools is that you can use them wherever you are from whatever computer you have available.
Unfortunately if you are a Microsoft Outlook user you only get the full use of what it has to offer when you are seated in front of your own computer; if you are using another computer you will only get the thin version, Microsoft Outlook Web Access.
To sum up, as a business operating in the modern world of information sharing you are looking for a communications suite that has all the capabilities to stay in contact wherever you are and from whichever computer you have access to then Google Apps and Gmail goes far beyond your expectations.

Easy Pocket Folder Printing: Things To Remember

You think pocket folder printing is easy? Then you are right. It is in fact one of the easiest printing you can do for your company. Pocket folders just need a little time to think over but after that, everything else will be easy.
Here are a few things to remember to make it even easier:
1. Folder Size. Have you decided on the items you will be putting in your folder? If you have go have a look at them again and check what sizes they are. The largest will be and should be the size of your folder. Folding your inserts is not a good option and it does not make your company look professional. Sizes that printers use are the legal and the letter size or the A4 and A5. If your papers are all in the landscape orientation, have your folder in the same orientation to make it look more personalized like it was really meant for those papers.
2. Edges. Edges can be rounded if you fancy it. You can also have the pockets edges cut as you would with the entire folder.
3. Colors. When you think of colors, think of being professional. What colors do you think professionals who are dynamic and unique use for their folders? Think about it. Make sure your pocket folder looks professional but pops at the same time. This will affect how people see your company so make sure it shows them something positive. You want to be heard but not too loud that makes you choose neon colors.
4. Pockets. Pockets are the boards that hold your papers in place inside. You can easily pick from a one or two pockets and which side (right or left) you prefer it to be. Some companies request a higher pocket than the normal or have a different angle to cut it. You can easily request a customized pocket should you require it to be in a different angle. Be sure that all the papers to be placed will be able to hold everything together as it was meant for.
5. Slits. Your slits are for your business card and your CD. You can have either, both or none of them. If you are using your pocket folder it is highly recommended that you add a business card slit so people can easily find your card should they need to keep in touch with you. If you are presenting something and you want your viewers to have the copy of your report or catalog then include a CD slit. Slit options also vary from one to four, rounded to straight and where you want it to be. It is naturally placed on your pocket so if you only have one pocket then you obviously know where the slits are going.
6. Paper stock. Been meaning to have a little gloss on top of your folder to make it a little more professional but want to let the world know you are earth friendly? Do not worry because the printer can make your gloss thinner to make it biodegradable and Mother Nature loving.
Get ready to send your file for pocket folder printing. Make sure that your file format is either pdf, jpg or tiff and if you are using a new or unique font to embed it together with the file to avoid any delays. Pocket folders are really so easy!
For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Pocket Folders

Save Money and Time With Virtual Offices

There are people who aim sky and their qualities encourage them to do business. However, finding a suitable place in the official or commercial area is always costly and next to impossible. For such reasons, there has been a new concept emerging in the market known as virtual offices. These work places resemble the original offices and operate as the owned ones.
To start up a business or to show your presence, you need have a business card with mentioned office building address and phone number. These days' people do not trust that company which cannot provide it business numbers or front desk numbers. In virtual offices there are people who can pickup your client's calls and transfer it to you. Such things assures client to have connected to a right person.
In such work places there are luxurious meeting rooms available with all facilities. In case you need to decide something on meeting you have the place for it. All this is provided without the setup of your office. From office boys to front office executives, everything has been taken care by the people in virtual offices.
In many countries such practices are getting widely spread and appreciated. Another issue that you can face while having your own office area is the parking issue. Supposing, if your business is small and you do not require the employees to visit office on daily basis then why to pay for the parking area.
To hunt for office area in busy towns is a worthless task. You will spend money and time that can utilize in growing your business. In such work places people get everything they require in an office. Pantry, office boy, parking, air conditioners, well internet connectivity, infrastructure, luxury etc.
Therefore, opting for a virtual working place is not just the matter of affordability, but also assures the credibility of building a trust in the market. Gone are those days, when business meant just the verbal commitment or reputation in the business. These days, a business men need to show offs, display infrastructure, glittering rooms to allure clients. Thus, to grab the clients you need to show your luxury and style. Commitments and punctuality are the secondary part in the business today. Such offices will help you provide show your professionalism as well as sophistication in front of the clients.
So do not wait just grab the system and open the browser to check out for the most reliable companies in the market. The interesting thing about these virtual offices is that you save lot money and headache.

New Statistics Suggest That the Jobs Market Continues to Be Tough for New Graduates

New research in the area of graduate recruitment in the UK has revealed a worrying situation.
Figures derived from surveying 49,065 graduate responses indicate that Almost 28% of UK graduates who left university in 2007 were still not in full-time work three and a half years later. They are based on a snapshot survey taken on 29 November 2010.
While these figures include about 21 % who were working part-time or studying and 3.5% who gave their response as "other" that still leaves 3.5% who were considered to be unemployed, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency.
The research also revealed a gender gap in the payment of men and women graduates, with 14% of men in full-time paid work who graduated in 2007 were earning between £30,000 and £34,999 three and a half years later compared with 9.3% of the women and 29.4% of women were earning £20,000 to £24,999, against 15.6% of men.
As worries about the pace of economic recovery in the UK and Europe continue with predictions of a slowdown or even a return to recession the figures are a graphic illustration of just how difficult life is for all job seekers.
The most recent monthly findings from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation also indicate a slowdown in recruitment during August 2011. While traditionally a less active period for recruitment because of the holiday period, the figures add to the worries about the economy.
They showed further moderate increases in permanent placements and temporary billings but that the growth of vacancies continued to ease. They also revealed that the rise in permanent salaries was at its weakest in 22 months and there had been the strongest rise in permanent candidate availability since January 2010.
This picture suggests that graduate job seekers may have to be willing to be innovative in getting the necessary experience that employers require even for someone newly entering the workplace.
Polishing grammar and spelling, for example, may make all the difference to whether a CV is accepted or rejected. Employers frequently identify inadequate literacy skills in the people who approach them for work.
Internships are often suggested as a way for graduates to gain experience and it is true that some of them do lead to offers of full-time employment. However, there is intense competition for places and often internships are unpaid. That means that graduates whose parents cannot afford to support them are at a distinct disadvantage.
It is also true that smaller companies that are often seen as the engine for economic growth may not be able to offer internships, either because they cannot spare the staff time to do the job properly or because they cannot afford to pay even a small amount for an intern.
Graduates looking for a job may be advised to consider signing on with a recruitment agency that can advise them on any skill gaps they may have, or any weak areas that they can improve on, but also the agency may be able to find temp or short contract positions in secretarial and administrative roles that would at least allow a candidate to get a foot in the door.

ISO 14001 For Small Businesses

ISO 14001 is an internationally-recognized standard that measures how environmentally responsible businesses are, and how much care they take to handle environmental issues faced. It can teach you how to reduce consumption, waste, and to recycle more.
To small businesses, customers are the most important aspect. Gaining the trust of potential customers means more sales and higher turnover, enviable advantages. In a world increasingly concerned with environmental issues, small businesses who are ISO 14001 certified and can demonstrate that they conform, not only with international laws and requirements, but with their own internal standards, are more likely to gain the respect of potential customers. Not only will there be an increase in trust, but some customers are required only to buy from suppliers who are ISO 14001 certified. Make yourself an easy choice for customers with such requirements.
Small businesses often cannot afford to face legal penalties, and it is in the interest of small business owners to prevent situations in which the law is broken. For example, businesses that use bonfires, furnaces or boilers should be aware of air pollution policies, while businesses that use hazardous substances should be concerned with how to handle, store and dispose of them properly. Not only does certification gain customer interest, but it can help you avoid legal difficulties related to environmental laws. The costs incurred from legal representation and any fines is likely to be far more than the costs of becoming ISO 14001 certified.
As well as profiting from new customers and avoiding legal punishment, having ISO 14001 certification reduces spending within small businesses. By consuming less in terms of energy and materials, lessening the price of waste disposal, and re-using, your business can make noticeable savings.
There is a large advantage to getting ISO 14001 certification while you are a small business. Many small business owners aim to expand in size, and larger businesses require better management and more cost-effective methods of measuring and managing consumption and waste. Becoming ISO 14001 certified before such expansion occurs means you can ensure you have the right techniques already in place while the cost to you is less- it costs more and takes more time and effort to re-organise management systems when a business is larger.
Online ISO 14001 companies offer non-bureaucratic, efficient, cost-effective, manageable certification, so you can gain this essential standard without unnecessary hassle. Certification takes 45 days, and the cost is dependent on annual turnover, the less you make, the less it costs you.

How To Determine Your Very Best Coaching and Consulting Opportunities

Have you ever wondered why the person or client your speaking to is not responding or reacting to your proposals or recommendations in a positive manner?
Have you ever wondered why you cannot seem to get energy, excitement, or enthusiasm around your ideas or recommendations?
What if you could determine fairly early in a conversation or engagement conversation, with a prospective client, if they were really your very best, ideal buyer? What would that mean to your planning, projections and activity levels? How different could your business be?
Let me share with you a concept called The Best Buyer Concept: There are always a smaller number of ideal buyers, rather than all buyers, so ideal buyers are cheaper to market to and yet bring greater rewards. If you sell B2B, it's usually fairly clear that your best buyers are medium to large companies. So what are you doing, every other week, no matter what, to let these companies know who you are? There's no one you can't get to as long as you constantly market to them, especially after they say they're not interested. People will not only begin to respect your perseverance, they will actually begin to feel obligated, which is one of the ethical principles of influence, researched and case study confirmed by Dr. Robert Cialdini.
Let me show you a system, called Client Response Modes, that will help you to better sort through your opportunities. Remember that people buy when, and only when they perceive a discrepancy between reality and their desired results. There is a gap and your opportunity is to uncover it and address it through your products and services.
Here are some categories of distinctions to consider when discussing your services and value proposition.A company, organization, department or individual will find themselves in Growth mode, Trouble mode, Even Keel or Overconfident:
  • In the first response mode the prospective client communicates that they are interested in GROWTH. This is in response to the question that asks about their current satisfaction and growth trajectory for their business in whatever manner they choose to measure GROWTH. A buyer in Growth mode is always ready to say yes to somebody's proposal... though not necessarily yours.
  • The second response mode is person, business, organization or department is in TROUBLE. The probability of action being taken is high when a buying influence or a decision maker is in TROUBLE. He/she is eager to buy... but once again not necessarily from you. TROUBLE always takes precedence over GROWTH. This doesn't mean that growth is unimportant, only that a buyer who is feeling pain, doing more and or better can wait until you've fixed the cause of the pain. Selling GROWTH to a buyer who feels in TROUBLE is like selling a new roof to a farmer whose barn has just caught fire. Even if the barn needs a roof, it doesn't need one now.
  • The third response mode is EVEN KEEL.To someone or an organization in EVEN KEEL, your proposals or recommends can be seen as a threat; as potentially rocking the boat. The EVEN KEEL environment will change only when there is change of view, to the fact that GROWTH or TROUBLE are recognized as forthcoming. The other consideration for looking at change is that as their trusted advisor you have illustrated the gaps between where they are and where they wish to go.
  • The fourth response mode is OVERCONFIDENT. This is the most difficult response mode to sell to. The OVERCONFIDENT see's no reason for change, since they are pretty delighted and sometimes surprised by their own or organizational results. you will encounter strong resistance because their view of their circumstances is not congruent with yours. You may not be able to overcome this viewpoint unless there are organizational changes or challenges in the workplace or economy that affect the business. That pretty much covers that most effective ways that I have experienced in deciding who are you most promising opportunities for you services or products.
Miguel is a highly accomplished, results-oriented executive leader with more than 20 years experience overseeing business management, global sales/marketing and customer retention for large Fortune 500 organizations. He is a visionary leader with outstanding ability to develop, motivate and oversee employees to exceed corporate objectives and perform at their highest levels. He has acute analytical skills and business acumen that help him to identify new market opportunities, successfully launch new products and direct sales and marketing campaigns that significantly impacted revenues and profitability.

How I Make An Extra $100 A Day Without Selling A Thing

Who else thinks that making $100 a day would be a GREAT way to start their journey to financial independence? An extra $50 or $100 a day would not only give you some extra income, it would also, more importantly, give you the momentum and the self confidence to KNOW you can achieve your financial goals.
However, you find that days, weeks and months go by and you are still trying to make that extra $100 to pay the bills. Well, join the club. The majority of people who come online hoping to do just that find out that the reality is something totally different. There has to be a better way, right?
The truth is, making your FIRST $100 is hard... but it gets easier every day... once you have a system with all the kinks worked out... and when you've become comfortable using it... no problem then. It becomes quite automatic... making that $100 a day.
So, how can you get there? Especially when you've tried so many different products and programs and you're not able to sell any of them. Is it possible then to make that $100 a day and not sell a thing? I tell you... yes, you can.
Six years ago, I found myself suddenly out of a job. I had been with my company many years... gave them my best everyday and yet, here I was... middle-aged, single parent and unemployed. After trying for a year to get another job with no success, I decided that I was no longer going to be at the the mercy of the whims and fancies of bosses. I was going to take control and create a job for myself.
It took me a few years of determination, trial and error, research and sifting through scams. I lost money when I got scammed a few times. Spent money on programs that did not make any money in the end. Nevertheless, my perseverance finally paid off and I was finally able to make that extra income online. I had found legitimate and guaranteed ways to make money online and one of these is a technique that made that extra $100 a day that I needed to help me pay my bills every month.
This technique is an age-old method. Tried and proven to work for decades, even centuries, no matter if there's a recession or not.
- It does not matter if you have nothing to sell. No product is required.
- It does not matter if you have no money. Start up capital is not required.
- It does not matter if you have never sold a thing in your life. You do not need to sell to succeed at this.
Is this going to break any laws? No way. It is 100% legal. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone otherwise. I definitely would not jeopardize my family's welfare by doing something illegal. Would you? Of course not. So, what did I do to make that extra few hundred dollars?
All I did and am still doing... is help people get what they want... and get paid to do it. You can do the same. If you think that this is something you can do as well... then come learn more about it at http://dcsys.weebly.com.
I enjoy helping others succeed. Having gotten fed up of being at the the mercy of the whims and fancies of bosses, I decided to take control of my own life and embarked on my journey to financial independence and freedom for myself. You can do the same and start making money online the right way! http://dcsys.weebly.com

Pakistan: A Developing Next 11 Economy

What we typically learn about Pakistan in school likely involves their tenuous relationship with India. Indeed, conflicts between the two nations have simmered and erupted on occasion long before modern-day Pakistan was formed in 1947 following a split from the British Indian empire. Nonetheless, these conflicts have not prevented the Republic of Pakistan from distinguishing itself as an emerging economy among the Next 11 countries.
A largely Islamic republic, Pakistan ranks in the top fifty among global economies and recorded a nominal gross domestic product of close to $175 billion in 2010. This represents a growth of two percent, yet shows that Pakistan has potential for stronger growth in the industrial sector in the future.
Pakistan is known primarily for the following exported goods, the majority of which are distributed to top export partners in the United States, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom:
Textiles - Pakistan is one of the top producers of cotton in the world, and consequently the textile industry is one of their most important and profitable. Nearly forty percent of Pakistan's overall industry involves textiles and fabrics.
Rice - Though rice is not the largest crop in the republic, it is one of the highest in demand among trade nations. Pakistan is especially known for its long-grained basmati rice and other aromatic grains.
Leather - Tanned leathers and animal hides account on average for about $300 million in export sales for Pakistan.
Carpeting - Many of the ornamental rugs and carpets coming from Pakistan are still hand-loomed, and nearly all of the rugs products in the country are exported around the world.
Main industries overall in Pakistan include the following:
  • Textile production and clothing manufacture
  • Chemical production
  • Food processing
  • Transportation and automobile production
  • Telecommunications
  • Paper products
To maintain productivity as an emerging nation, Pakistan relies upon a number of imported products from their chief trading partners: China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Petroleum and byproducts for fueling cars and industrial plants, machinery for process and production, plastics, paper and tea rank among the more in-demand products that are not readily accessible domestically.
As an emerging economy, Pakistan shows great promise alongside others in the Next 11 grouping. The clothes you buy, the rice you may cook from dinner, and the rug decorating your living room are likely to originate from this country. As conflicts are negotiated, one may hope to see friendlier trade ties formed with surrounding countries.